Participants in this section will have a chance to present their paper orally or poster. It is agood opportunity to share and to learn more of the latest findings in Geriatric Medicine. This forum opens for Specialists and Residents. There are limited slots for free papers and poster session within the program. The scientific committee will decide the free papers and poster that are accepted to be presented in the session. Scientific committee will ony accept original free and poster that have never published or presented before.
Call for Abstract
1. Only registered participant may submit papers.
2. Each abstract should be sent directly to secretariat in Microsoft Word format via email latest on 14th May 2010.
3. Abstract sent by fax will not be acceptance.
4. Abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Please avoid erasures, strike over and editorial errors.
5. Abstract must be written in English, using letter size paper (8,5 x 11 inch) in Times New Roman font size 12.
6. The title should be typed using bold Capital letter, with font size of 12, and should not extend more than 14 words. Abbreviations should not be used within the Title.
7. List of author(s), institution, city, and country should be put immediately below the title, the authors name should be listed by family name followed by initials. Only and the name of presenting authors should be underlined.
8. The abstract should cover the purpose, method, result and conclusion. The text should not be more than 200 words. Use single space typing: leave one space between the list of authors and at the beginning of the text, no space between paragraphs. Figur, graphs and symbols must be in black ink.
1. Abstract submission for poster deadline is 14th May 2010, please follow the abstract guidelines in previous page.
2. Poster should contain titles, author(s), institution(s), introduction, objectives, methodology, result, discuccion and conclusion in summary.
3. Poster size should be 90 cm x 120 cm on vertical dimension.
4. The title must be visible at a distance of 5-6 metres.
5. The poster content should be visible from 2 meters distance.
6. The font type used for the poster should be constant.
7. Scientific committee will confirm on which date, time and place the poster should be placed for viewing and presentation.
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